[Written in quarantine but published now. I wonder if my questions have been answered?] It was a bight, strong, mid-morning spring sunshine that had me squinting. He was running into the field, zeal punctuating each footfall, after a butterfly. I didn’t bother crawling under the barbed wire to follow; he was already a hundred meters […]
It was supposed to be a Vanity (Af)fair. A perfect picnic under a lone cherry blossom tree at the height of the season; a colour-coordinated garden party to celebrate the beginning of spring. There are so many “it was supposed to be”s, for me and many others. Mostly, this year I was looking forward to […]
It felt like something was wrong. The streets were the quiet you usually find in August, on a spring Tuesday. Bags were piled on the floor, clothes and monitors and schoolbooks spilling every which way. The trunk of the car was brimming with food amongst the suitcases, no time for tetris. We piled in, one […]
While I was not in Paris for the shelter-in-place, my dear friend Madeline was. Here is Paris in her words and film photographs from that time — a stark, somber, and intimate portrait of the city. Madeline is a gifted street photographer. You can find these moments on her Instagram. I got to photograph Paris during […]
Have you ever hated the way you looked in a photo? Meeee tooooooo. Have you ever stood in front of a camera and not known what to do with your hands? Your arms? Yourself? Meeee toooo. This is why I often jump in photographs. If I’m going to feel awkward, I might as well be […]
Soft even light. Soft even light. Soft even light from head to toe. This is the mantra of the photography classes I have taken. I believe it, because I think it flatters a person, and I am a people-entered photographer. Rather, I am a subject-centred photographer. The background is less important to me, and it’s […]
Light flooded the frame, the kind of light you only find at sunrise and sunset. She was standing, barefoot, wearing the twirliest floral skirt in the Jardin des Tuileries. In her hands was the most curious camera: Rectangular and boxy in a Range Rover sort of way, two lenses, and she was peering down into […]
Hello, mes ami.e.s! I think now is a great time as ever to break down my art philosophy. Why do I do what I do? With the medium that I choose? What is my creative process? What can you, the client, expect during a session? With this introductory post, I want to break down what […]
Cecil is my Rolleicord. We’re still working out our relationship, but for the most part, there’s nothing more fun than a TLR. Cecil has character, and I love keeping him in my backpack for spontaneous strolls. Enjoy scenes from Parc Monceau, la Tour Eiffel, and a couple frames from Norman, my Nikon F100. A combination […]
Lilla and I are old friends. We used to sit on her bedroom floor, dreaming big dreams, during the endless hot summer days. One we always shared was an escape to Paris. We called it the Paris Apartment. Beyond the fact that we’d have an apartment, I’m not sure we organised many other details. Paris […]
Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!