At this point, I will not judge you if you think I’m crazy and that I permanently live in a spring state of mind. Currently, I am meandering, skipping, squealing, and photographing (some of us are skinny-dipping) my way through Provence with my artist troupe — a last hurrah before two of us head back […]
[Written in quarantine but published now. I wonder if my questions have been answered?] It was a bight, strong, mid-morning spring sunshine that had me squinting. He was running into the field, zeal punctuating each footfall, after a butterfly. I didn’t bother crawling under the barbed wire to follow; he was already a hundred meters […]
It felt like something was wrong. The streets were the quiet you usually find in August, on a spring Tuesday. Bags were piled on the floor, clothes and monitors and schoolbooks spilling every which way. The trunk of the car was brimming with food amongst the suitcases, no time for tetris. We piled in, one […]
Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!