Maison de Balzac Paris Guide

October 3, 2019

Filed in: Field Guide

beautiful green parisian door in the gardens of the maison de balzac in the 16th arrondissement

My first encounter with Honoré de Balzac, the man (I was obliged to read his literature in school), was at the Musée Rodin, and I will say that the sculptor must not have liked him much, because the rendition is anything but flattering. However, I had also been seeing many posters for the re-opening of his house, the Maison de Balzac, in the 16th arrondissement, and because it offered such an unexpected view of the Eiffel Tower, I decided to have a look.

My great confession is that I am not a fan of French literature. I like the idea of it very much, and it’s very romantic. But I have read my fair share of it, and truthfully I can never follow. The plot’s never strong enough to hold my interest, so I have resigned to reading contemporary literature translated from other languages (mainly English). But in the name of romance and Paris, I had to see Balzac’s house.

view of the eiffel tower from the gardens at the maison de balzac in the 16th arrondissement

The collection is free, which is good because it was alright. More sculptures of Balzac; his walking stick (one I could only aspire to have); some original papers; the study (quite somber); and a whole room dedicated to the thousands of characters in one work (I believe). If you have an ardent passion for French literature and Balzac in particular, this is a thoughtful exhibit. But, if you come for the views and for a pause in the garden, I’m not blaming you for that, either. Top it off with a café crème at Passy and call it an afternoon.

Visiting the Maison de Balzac

The Maison de Balzac a small Paris museum and easy to access by the métros Passy (line 6) and La Muette (line 9). The address is 47 rue Raynouard 75016, and the hours are 10h-18h Tuesday-Sunday.

Admission is free. It’s quite pleasant to take a turn around the gardens before heading inside the house, where you can read about Honoré de Balzac’s life and work.

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guide to visiting the maison de balzac in paris by the eiffel tower

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