Field Notes

Salut! Welcome to my Field Notes, with stories from San Francisco, Paris, and elsewhere. This is a collection of adventures: the people I photograph; the kitchen escapes; tidbits from my life; special projects; and a California/Paris guide. Whew! I hope you'll come along; it's going to be a lovely time!

Recent posts

Welcome TO THE

Just a bit before the entire world was quarantined, I met the lovely Eugenia who was on her habitual solo trip to Paris. We “met” in a photography group and decided to swap some headshots while she was here. So glad I said oui, because I’m all about meeting a fellow Francophile. Indeed, her Instagram bio […]

If you love France or are planning a trip, download one of my FREE travel guides! Paris is rife with green spaces, be it parks, gardens, or lawns. You may know a few by the names of Jardin du Luxembourg (Luxembourg Gardens), Jardin des Tuileries (Tuileries Gardens), and the Parc Monceau. However, there are so […]

Spring in Paris is fleeting. One week the magnolias are out, and the next, you come back to find the petals, brown on the edges, sprinkled across the road. So when your friend says the first roses are out, and she says, “QUICKLY!,” you go! I had lots of fun running around Parc de Bagatelle […]

Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!