If you love France or are planning a trip, download one of my FREE travel guides! Walking through the Jardin des Plantes in Paris (one of my favorite gardens) at the end of spring/beginning of summer is always a true pleasure. I was feeling a little down because I had missed cherry blossom season in Paris, […]
The Jardin des Plantes was already in full sun at 7:30am when Madeleine and I showed up for an adventure in the roserie…the rose garden! It was a…wild experience…to say the least! Madeleine came in MY DREAM COLOUR PALETTE! It was so fun to explore and experiment, and the light was beautiful. She’s also a lovely […]
If you love France or are planning a trip, download one of my FREE travel guides! I must have flowers, always and always. And there’s no better place to admire them than gardens in Paris! I’ve read that’s attributed to Monet (whose paintings I adore), but since I can’t confirm it, I will also attribute […]
Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!