Field Notes

Salut! Welcome to my Field Notes, with stories from San Francisco, Paris, and elsewhere. This is a collection of adventures: the people I photograph; the kitchen escapes; tidbits from my life; special projects; and a California/Paris guide. Whew! I hope you'll come along; it's going to be a lovely time!

Recent posts

Welcome TO THE

To welcome fall (you can tell I’m quite behind in filing these field notes), Lindsay, Shelby, and I got together and made a pumpkin cake! Well, Lindsay made the cake, Shelby whipped up the frosting, and I just showed up with my camera. Here are the results! I am a San Francisco Bay Area film […]

Coconut sugar caramel sauce is drizzled on top of a triangular slice of iced pumpkin cake. The cake sits on a pedestal in the background next to two filled champagne flutes.

Sooooo…last October, I kind of accidentally got myself invited to a dahlia farm. Vallejo Street Dahlias, to be exact. Willbe orchestrated and Max was the gracious host, and together, we wandered the rows of the season’s last blooms. Many were, delightedly, the size of my face, and the riot of color was a blast of […]

Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!