The air was cold as I stepped outside my apartment, cardigan on, foolishly wearing my new ballet flats I was breaking in. It was time to take them on a trip to the Birmingham Botanical Gardens, Alabama—not to be confused with Birmingham, UK, which often comes up. I always take the same approach to shoes, […]
Friends, I have been deeply troubled since the news about the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan broke. While the subject of how/why everything went as it did (as well as American responsibility) is a something that should absolutely be discussed, right now, I want to share some organizations we can support to help the thousands who […]
Something I’ve been wanting to lean into more is my photojournalistic side. In college, I majored in journalism but found the documentary side not exactly to my taste. Then, as I continued to lean into photography and art, got stuck in the fine-art perfection mentality. That was also not to my taste, I’ve discovered. For […]
Covid-19 France Quarantine: Part 3 in the countryside. C’s birthday passed. The weather got warmer. Flowers were abundant, but the days were long. Already, twice, with hope, we had watched the state newscast as the president updated the situation. And there was nothing to look forward to. Despite the change in the weather and the […]
Covid-19 France Quarantine: Part 2 in the countryside. Quarantine became more bearable as the weather warms. The weathered stone of the cottage, though charming, was poor insulation. Although, at least it kept out the rain. There were many a tempest as I had never experienced before. Thunder, lighting, the most ominous skies. The Storm One […]
Photographs from the COVID-19 France quarantine. When the first COVID-19 quarantine lifted last year, I hurriedly threw together a blog post so that I would remember it all. It all happened so quickly as we hastily packed up for the French countryside in the early spring. We were barely out of winter as we bumped […]
Alright, peeps, this is a subject I should have broached when I first opened my shop. Why should you frame fine art (and any, for that matter) prints? How should you frame them? Where should you frame them? This post will break it all down. Let’s start with why. Why You Should Frame Fine-Art (and […]
I want to walk by my favorite blue door next to the Red Wheelbarrow. I want to see Thibault at Imprimerie Frag and know that my prints are going to be amazing, instead of emailing around and finding one local printer in the Bay Area who won’t even email me back. I want to go […]
(Updated 2/28/22. A Hasselblad 500cm review. Disclaimer: I ended up trading the Hasselblad for a Rolleiflex, which I felt, personally, lent more joy.) I remember the first time I laid eyes on the Hasselblad. It was during the early days of the pandemic, around my birthday, and I was sitting in a stone cottage in […]
The Rollei 35 first caught my eye a couple years ago when a creative I follow first flaunted hers. I was intrigued as I watched her carefully unconsolidate the camera, which was only about as big as her palm. The lens slid out from apparently no where, and there was so little pomp and fuss […]
Paris & California strolls; plenty of flowers; stories; and looking for the beauty in the everyday. I hope you'll come along as I take the year to document the entirety of my home state!